A series of "Anti-art" movement, centering on expressions such as Assemblage, Installation and Happening occurred in Japan in the early 60's. Shimizu began his career in this movement, in which Yomiuri Independent Exhibition played an important role. In 1962 he exhibited "Black Light", which is thought to be one of the forerunners of “Psychedelic Art”. (In "Black Light" phosphorescent paints are scattered on scrap materials, and when the black light (ultraviolet rays) is irradiated, the paints emit richly-colored light and are transfigured.) In 1963 he was awarded first prize at the Shell Art Exhibition (Tokyo) with his collages known as Color Blindness Test Charts. From the late 60's he has had a close relationship with Tatsumi Hijikata, the Butoh Dance founder. Shimizu designed Butoh costumes and posters which harmonized opposite mediums, colors and genders. From the 70's, he created collages, in which he expressed diverse images inspired by his childhood memories of World War II and the Sea of Japan. They are a mixture of gloomy, ecstatic and nostalgic things. In the 80’s, he designed monument models for City Design Projects for Shinjuku (Tokyo) and Amakusa (Kumamoto). Recent works include "Nucleus of Flowers" and "Shimmer in the Air". He is still challenging himself, seeking something new and working on lots of projects at a suburb in Tokyo. | 60年代に反芸術アーチストとして登場。62年にサイケデリックアートの先駆けともいえる<ブラックライト>を発表。これはガラクタに燐光塗料を撒き散らし、それにブラックライト(紫外線)を照射して極彩色の世界を創出する作品だが、当時のアートシーンに大いに注目を浴びた。63年<色盲検査表No.4>にて第7回シェル美術賞一席を受賞。60年代前半においては、「ダダイズム」「ハプニング」「コンバインアート」などの時代背景を反映した作品を数多く創作。その後暗黒舞踏を確立した土方巽との関わりにより、舞台装置、ポスター、衣装も手掛ける。70年代中期以降は彼独特の世界の中で、故郷北陸のイメージに深く関わるコラージュ<目沼>、闇の世界から木、竹ひご、鎖、錘、鋏という素材で辿る<漆黒シリーズ>など多彩な広がりをみせる。80年代には都市計画のモニュメントも手掛け、近年の<花々の抜糸><糸遊>シリーズへと展開を図る。 |