Navy and Ships information support

Being related to the military affair/the Navy and Ships/airplanes I am informed a/the photograph/information offers, coverage etc.
Question be to


It is 35mm negatives fundamentally.
It becomes image electron data (Jpeg etc.), photograph print.

Navy and Ships information

Even, the support cooperation such as the photograph/information offers of Navy and Ships relation that centered around Japan asks to cause.

Article manuscript

Being related to the Navy and Ships even, the support cooperation such as article manuscript and, the correction confirmation asks to cause.
I'm sorry but I'm poor English letter writer.


Please inquire it, because even, coverage substitution, accompanying coverage back-up etc. ask to cause, although schedule adjustment is necessary.

Achievement (sorry but It is Japanese.)

Navy and Ships information support
My photograph/article that was used/introduce with magazine etc.
My photograph/article that was used/introduce with magazine etc.

Old dispatching record

Possession photograph look

Main carrying magazine

Ships of the World
Ikaros publication/Jwings, Jships, J-Resqueue
GAKKEN/Maritime Self-Defense Force perfect guide, Air Self-Defense Force perfect guide, U. S. navy pictorial ../book/book
Delta publication/the Ground Self-Defense Force vehicle/equipment file
World photo press/COMBAT
military review
Hobby Japan/Arms
Jane' s Fighiting Ships
Combat Fleets of the World
Royal Australian Navy Website.

日本で見られる 艦船ガイド. JMSDF Perfect guide. JGSDF 車両・装備ファイル. military review. JASDF Perfect guide. U.S.Navy21. J-wings(Ikaros publication). J-ships. JGSDF Perfect guide. WW2 Uboat. Defence World. Modern World Submarine. World Submarine. JAPAN SELF DEFFENSE FORCE ILLUSTRATED 2002. JMSDF Perfect guide 2002. Jane's Fighiting Ships. Combat Fleets of the World.

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New:2001.1.26/Last Update:2002.5.22