サイトマップ // C言語講座>言葉は記憶の彼方へ>α・ω←附録1
- ADB:Asian Development Bank、アジア開発銀行、Metro Manila, Philippines
- ATS:Antarctic Treaty system、南極条約事務局、Buenos Aires, Argentina
- CITES:Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora、ワシントン条約事務局、Geneva, Switzerland
- CODATA:Committee on Data for Science and Technology、科学技術データ委員会、Paris, France
- FAO:Food and Agriculture Organization、国連食糧農業機関、Rome, Italy
- GFATM:Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria、世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金、Vernier-Geneve, Switzerland
- IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency、国際原子力機関、Vienna, Austria
- IEA:International Energy Agency、国際エネルギー機関、Paris, France
- ILO:International Labour Organization、国際労働機関、Geneva, Switzerland
- IMF:International Monetary Fund、国際通貨基金、Washington, USA
- ICJ:International Court of Justice、国際司法裁判所、Hague, Netherlands
- ITLOS:International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea、国際海洋法裁判所、Hamburg, Germany
- UNCTAD:United Nations Conference on Trade and Development、国連貿易開発会議、Geneva, Switzerland
- UNDP:United Nations Development Programme、国連開発計画、New York, USA
- UNESCO:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization、国際連合教育科学文化機関、Paris, France
- UNHCR:Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees、国連難民高等弁務官事務所、Geneva, Switzerland
- UNICEF:United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund、国際連合児童基金、New York, USA
- WFP:United Nations World Food Programme、世界食糧計画、Rome, Italy
- WHO:World Health Organization、世界保健機構、Geneva, Switzerland
サイトマップ // C言語講座>言葉は記憶の彼方へ>α・ω←附録1