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-大宮にドローでリーグ5試合連続勝ちなし-(Nov. 11)

Where has the momentum during the summer gone?
-チーム全体が精彩を欠き新潟と引き分け。3試合連続ドロー-(Oct. 21)

They have everything their way. Albirex.
-アビスパに4-0の圧勝-(Oct. 1)

Yajima netted at last.
-8戦ぶりの黒星-(Sep. 16)

We haven't felt frustrated for a month and a half.
-「勝負の月」初戦を制す-(Sep. 9)

Jungo has fully recovered his form?
-「Challenge 5」全勝・全試合完封!!-(Aug. 30)

Remain unbeaten in September!
-きっちり勝ってホーム7連勝!!-(Aug. 26)

I couldn't stnad to watch Cho Jae Jin kick the penalty home.
-鬼門で引き分けも、エダ4戦連発-(Aug. 23)

The chances are that Eda will play for Japan's national.
-4年ぶりリーグ戦4連勝!ホームでは6連勝-(Aug. 19)

It's too good to be true, isn't it?!
-エダの活躍で3連勝!-(Aug. 12)

Eda is really on form!!
-U-21代表、アオ・エダ活躍!アオA代表追加召集!!-(Aug. 8)

What a astonishing news!! I've gotta check tomorrow's match.
-ダービー勝利で連勝!-(Jul. 29)

I feel great!
-アウェイで久しぶりの勝利-(Jul. 26)

I've relieved that we avoided concective losses.
-マリノスに劇的勝利も、サンガに劇的敗北-(Jul. 22)

That's to be expected.
-ホロ苦オールスター、見せ場作れず-(Jul. 15)

That's the way it is. Do the best in the club.
-オールスターに藤本・兵働・青山・健太監督が選出される-(Jul. 7)

It's gonna be an exciting all-star game for the first time in a few years.
-エスパルス長期休暇中-(Jun. 9)

There's no news.
-ナビスコ杯予選最終節・勝てず…-(May. 21)

We were just a step away from winning. We were short of something extra to score.
-マルキのゴールで望みをつなぐ-(May. 18)

The goal seemed as if the time stopped?! What was it like?
[訳]時が止まったかのようなゴール?! ってどんなゴール?
-ナビスコ杯・首位ジェフを破り望みをつなぐ-(May. 14)

We're still in difficult situation. We need more points.
-ミス連発で惨敗-(May. 6)

-何とか1点とって、きっちり勝ち点3-(May. 3)

They need to learn to play more steadily after they take lead.
-終盤に追いつきドロー-(Apr. 29)

There is a big difference between one point and nothing.
-50分間の猛攻に耐え浦和を撃破-(Apr. 22)

S-PULSE were beaten up in the second half. But they hung in. The tiem when we are in a tough spot seems like an eternity.
-10人のアントラーズに完敗-(Apr. 15)

I had a bad feeling when we got numerical advantage.
-大分に4点取っての快勝-(Apr. 9)

We got revenge!
-先制され前半で逆転するも、後半逆転され3連敗-(Apr. 1)

Youth is good and bad. The both sides appeared on the game.
-2連敗-(Mar. 26)

Defenses were almost perfect, though.
-開幕3連勝、3連続完封!ジーコも観戦-(Mar. 19)

Zico won't be able to understand how terrific Teru's performance was.
-開幕2連勝!-(Mar. 12)

Are we strong? No, no. There's no justification for overconfidence.
-胸スポンサーがJALから鈴与に-(Feb. 21)

I feel something is missing.
-休み無しの地獄キャンプ-(Feb. 9)

Don't get injured. We don't have enough substitutes.
-2006シーズン始動!-(Jan. 20)

The 2nd season of brandnew S-PULSE. Expectation and anxiety are mixed up.